
    技术 & 工程

    技术 & 工程

    欢迎 to the 技术 & 工程 classroom p年龄! 这项技术 & 工程 program at A2蒸汽 is housed in the STEAM Lab for 4th-8th grade instruction, and the computer lab for Young 5s-3rd grade instruction. 技术 & 工程 for 4th-8th is taught by Mr. 范厕所, and for Young 5s-3 grade is taught by Mr. 勒克桑. To get a glimpse into the day-to-day activities, follow the A2蒸汽 Lab on 推特!



    Each student in grades 幼儿园 through 4th grade has 技术 & 工程 once per week for 30 minutes.


    At the beginning of kindergarten, 学生们将使用Andrea Beatty的一系列书籍对工程进行温和的介绍, 包括“伊基·派克”, 架构师”, 还有“罗西·里维尔”, 工程师”. 这些都伴随着简单的动手项目,向幼儿园学生介绍各种简单的工具, as well as giving them introductory experiences using the engineering design process.

    接下来,学生们将进入名为“动物”的计算机科学模块“项目引导”(PLTW) & 算法. 在这个模块中, students explore the nature of computers and the ways humans control and use technology. 从一个不插电的活动开始,学生们了解计算机程序的顺序性. Students are inspired by a story in which Angelina, Mylo, and Suzi make videos to teach preschoolers about animals in their habitats. 然后, 学生们以小组为单位设计和编程一个简单的关于动物栖息地的数字动画.


    一年级学生从一个名为“动画讲故事”的计算机科学模块“项目引导”(PLTW)开始. 在这个模块中, students explore the computer programs through hands-on activities, both with and without a computer. 他们研究讲故事的关键方面,并设计如何将故事从页面转移到屏幕上. Combining fundamental principles of computer science with story-构建ing skills, students develop animations that showcase characters, 设置, 行动, and events from short stories of their own creation, 使用ScratchJr.

    After completing this module, students are given a range of hands-on engineering & 以创客为导向的活动和项目,利用STEAM实验室和创客空间的资源.


    二年级, 学生们从一个名为“网格”的计算机科学模块开始 & 游戏. 学生在学习计算机程序所需的顺序和结构的同时研究数值关系. Starting with computer-free activities and moving to tablet-based challenges, students apply addition and subtraction strategies to make characters move on a grid.

    Using skills and knowledge gained from these activities, 学生小组合作,在ScratchJr中设计和开发一个游戏,其中玩家与iPad上的物体进行交互.

    After completing the Grids & 游戏模块, second graders do a series of station-based activities called Maker Workshop, in which they explore a wide range of concepts and topics. 这些包括基本的电子电路、工程设计挑战、编码和数字艺术. After time to try out all these different ideas, 二年级学生面临的挑战是定义一个最终项目的想法,其中包含一个或多个他们所学的概念, and to apply this to a project they are personally interested in pursuing. This project work is documented using Seesaw.



    三年级时, 学生们专注于一个名为“编程模式”的计算机科学模块“项目引领”.

    This module introduces students to the power of modularity and abstraction, 从没有电脑的活动开始,到在他们的iPad上用一种基于块的语言编程,叫做“跳房子”. Students learn how to think computationally about a problem. Students then create a tablet game using modular functions and branching logic.

    在这个模块中, 三年级学生利用他们对编程模式的新知识与美术室合作进行STEAM项目. 当他们学会玩跳房子游戏时,他们会给一个角色编程,让他在屏幕上画一个图案. They then learn how to use the Silhouette Cameo, a computer-controlled digital fabrication tool, to cut out their pattern in paper. 这些纸上的图案,然后与艺术老师一起做一个版画过程,他们使用他们的图案作为抗蚀剂.




    In this exploration of how computers work, 学生们被鼓励在人体的各个部分和组成电脑的各个部分之间做类比. Students investigate reaction time as a measure of nervous system function. 学生们创建一个反应时间计算机程序来评估脑震荡发生前的基线. 学生们运用所学知识在平板电脑上构建自己的反应时间测量设备. This module has strong connections to the fourth grade Human Brain module.

    After completing this module, fourth graders are given time to explore a set of choices, including additional coding, 三维建模, 还有电子音乐. 这些选择将引导他们去定义一个最终的项目理念,并包含他们所学到的一个或多个概念, and applying this to a project they are personally interested in pursuing. This project work is documented using Seesaw.



    In 5th grade, students explore robotics using Vex IQ, led by Mr. Vince in the 5th grade classrooms. Two Project Lead the Way modules are used, called Robotic & 自动化.

    在第一部机器人电影中 & 自动化模块, 学生探索机器人在当今世界的使用方式及其对社会和环境的影响. 学生在构建和测试可远程控制的移动机器人时,将学习各种机器人组件. 他们的任务是设计一种移动机器人,可以从灾难现场清除有害物质.

    在第二个模块中, 学生们在探索机械设计和计算机编程的过程中扩展了对机器人的理解. This module focuses on developing skills needed to 构建 and program autonomous robots. Students work with a group to apply their knowledge to design, 构建, 测试, 改进一种自动引导车辆,在没有人远程控制的情况下将物资运送到医院的特定区域.



    中学技术 & 工程 classes at A2蒸汽 are each one trimester long (12 weeks).



    A2蒸汽的六年级学生必修一门名为“设计”的项目领导课程 & 建模.

    在设计 & 建模, 学生发现设计过程,并发展创造力和创新对他们生活的影响的理解. 然后,他们将面临挑战,并被授权使用和应用他们在整个单元中学到的知识,为有特殊需要的学生设计一种治疗性玩具, 包括脑瘫.

    在设计 & 建模, students learn to create and understand engineering drawings, develop their skills in precision measuring with both standard and metric units, begin 三维建模 using free Tinkercad software, use digital fabrication such as 3D printing to rapidly iterate through design ideas, 并使用生物医学工程和计算机科学的元素来更深入地理解问题.



    Students in the seventh grade 自动化 & Robotics course trace the history, 发展, and influence of automation and robotics as they learn about mechanical systems, 能量转移, 机器自动化, and computer control systems. Students use the VEX Robotics® platform to design, 构建, and program real-world objects such as traffic lights, 收费站, 还有机械手臂.

    This is an elective course for A2蒸汽 seventh graders.



    这项技术 & 工程 course for A2蒸汽 eighth graders is a unique offering, combining the Project Lead the Way course called Computer Science for Innovators & 制造商 with a special 5-week opportunity called the Capstone Project.

    In Computer Science for Innovators & 制造商, 学生能够发现计算机科学的概念和技能,通过创建个人相关, 有形的, 共享项目. 整个单位, 学生们通过混合硬件设计和软件开发来学习物理世界的编程. They design and develop a physical computing device, interactive art installation, 或可穿戴, and plan and develop code for microcontrollers that bring their physical designs to life.

    在顶点项目中, 当学生们确定自己感兴趣的问题或机会时,他们被赋予了巨大的能动性, and then use the engineering design process to guide them through conducting research, 确定解决方案, creating a working prototype, and 测试ing their design ideas. 顶点项目的高潮是学生与班级和更广泛的社区分享他们的设计作品.